Teacher Recommendation This form should be completed by your child’s teacher when you are applying for Kindergarten through 5th Grade. APPLICANT INFORMATIONApplicant's Name(Required) First Last Student's Current Grade(Required)Teacher's Name(Required)Teacher's Email Address(Required)School Name(Required)School Phone Number(Required)Length of time teacher has been acquainted with the applicant:(Required)Instructions: Please indicate your ratings by selecting the appropriate box in the drop down menu.EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR1. Adjusts to new situationsExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill2. Responds to situations maturelyExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill3. Shows self confidenceExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill4. Displays respect to adultsExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing SkillSOCIAL READINESS1. Enters into play with othersExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill2. Respects property of othersExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill3. Takes responsibility for his/her actionsExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill4. Respects the feelings of othersExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing SkillWORK HABITS1. Follows DirectionsExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill2. Begins class assignments promptlyExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill3. Completes tasks in classExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill4. Works carefully and neatlyExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing Skill5. Participates in class discussionExemplarySatisfactoryStill Developing SkillRECOMMENDATIONSI recommend this applicant for their academic ability.EnthusiasticallyStronglyFairlyDo not recommendI recommend this application for their character and personal promise.EnthusiasticallyStronglyFairlyDo not recommendThe applicant has been a disciplinary problem:NeverSometimesFrequentlyIf the candidate's record is not a true index of their ability, please explain factors which have interfered with their academic achievement:Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this form.