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“Coolest School” Winner 2016
Proud winners of the Macaroni Kid Coolest School Contest! GSES received the most votes in the Jupiter/Tequesta area and will win a party... -
Halloween Parade
The morning Halloween Parade was followed by an evening of trick or treating in the halls of GSES. Even the staff and parents got into the... -
Pop Up Shops
Get a head start on your Holiday Shopping! The area’s most unique boutiques all under one roof for one day only: FRIDAY NOVEMBER... -
PreK Senses Something Popping
PreK students are using popcorn to study their 5 senses. I can see, smell and hear it popping. Now it is time to taste it! -
Fourth Grade Getting Creative
Fourth Graders are learning what makes commercials effective. Pictured here are students concocting a new juice which they will have to market... -
You never know what weekly STEAM Hour will bring. Here is a 3-D Quilt designed and assembled by the Fifth Grade class.