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Back-to-School Message
A Back-to-School message from the GSES Administration https://youtu.be/fzI9H77KkhQ?t=2 -
Welcome Back!
Making your child’s experience safe, engaging, challenging, and joyful! Welcome to the 2020-21 School Year! -
New Safety Protocols
Please contact us for a copy of our full Re-Opening Plan in response to COVID-19. Facial coverings must be worn by staff at all times. ... -
Daily Schedule for our Early Learners
Even our Early Learners (ages 2 and 3) are provided with daily Zoom calls, classroom assignments, and even music and art lessons. Picture... -
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to all our families and friends. Pictured is the Paddison Family celebrating both Easter and Angelina’s birthday from... -
Virtual Spirit Week
Tyler Claridge (Grade 2) participates in Spirit Week remotely! Great beard, Tyler!